15 Helpful Ginger Health Benefits And Side Effects

Art of health and beauty
6 min readJun 26, 2020


Ginger has been used in every Indian kitchen for years. The reason is its special taste, but did you know that apart from bringing taste in food, ginger is also rich in many medicinal properties. This is the reason why ginger is also used to get relief from many health-related problems.

In this article, we will explain in detail the medicinal uses/properties of ginger as well as the benefits of ginger, so that you can understand the benefits of eating ginger better.

At the same time, before that, it is also important to know that ginger can only be used as a home remedy.

It should not be considered a cure for the problems mentioned. Treatment of any disease depends on medical advice.

Later in the article, we will learn many interesting things related to the medicinal properties of ginger, but before that, we know the benefits of eating ginger.

Ginger Health Benefits and Side effects

Increase immunity

Consuming ginger can help in maintaining the body’s resistance.

This is confirmed by research conducted by the International Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Research has found that ginger has antioxidant (free radical destroying) and anti-inflammatory (inflammation reducing) properties.

It also has immunonutrition properties. That is, it can also be helpful in promoting immunity.

Maintain heart health

Ginger can be consumed to maintain heart health. Actually, according to experts, the medicinal properties of ginger are many.

These include inflammation, free radical effects, blood clotting process, increased blood pressure and the ability to control lipids.

All these effects can jointly affect heart health and help in maintaining health.

On this basis, it can be believed that consuming ginger can help in maintaining heart health.

Ginger benefits for weight loss

The use of ginger can also prove beneficial in controlling weight by increasing it.

Research on the NCBI website related to ginger confirms this.

Research has suggested that ginger can act as a fat burner and may be helpful in reducing frozen fat on the abdomen, waist and hips.

At the same time, it can also help to keep away the risks that cause obesity.

On this basis, it can be said that if ginger is consumed with a balanced diet, it can definitely help in reducing weight.

Benefits in Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s is a nervous disorder related to the brain, in which the problem of forgetting is seen in people with increasing age.

Using ginger can help control the growing effects of this problem to a great extent. This fact has also been accepted in research published on the NCBI website related to ginger.

Research has suggested that ginger contains many phytochemicals such as gingerols, shogols, and gingerones, which may help prevent the natural damage of a neuron that sends messages to the brain.

This can provide considerable relief in Alzheimer’s problem.

On this basis, it can be assumed that using ginger may help control Alzheimer’s effect to some extent.

Benefits of ginger water For migraine

You have been told above in the article that ginger has analgesic properties.

The same analgesic properties can also prove to be helpful in migraine problems.

This is mentioned in research related to ginger published on NCBI website.

Research has suggested that ginger water can control and relieve acute migraine pain.

In such a situation, it can be said that ginger consumption can prove beneficial for the migraine sufferer.

Reduce pain

Research in the United States found that ginger has analgesic (analgesic) properties.

Due to this property, ginger can leave a wide impact on muscle pain caused by excess stress in players.

On the other hand, research conducted by the University of Tehran believed that ginger can control menstrual pain.

Given these two facts, it would not be wrong to say that the medicinal properties of ginger can help reduce the pain caused by muscle strain, tension and inflammation.

Control cholesterol and blood pressure

You have already been told in the article that hypotensive (blood pressure lowering) effect is found in ginger.

At the same time, another research related to ginger has believed that ginger juice can help in controlling lipids as well as reduce the increased cholesterol.

Given both these facts, it can be assumed that ginger can exhibit positive effects in controlling both cholesterol and blood pressure.

Helpful in diabetes control

Research on ginger by the Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research has found it effective on diabetes.

Research has shown that it can control the amount of increased blood sugar as well as increase the activation of insulin.

In this way, it can prove to be effective in the problem of diabetes in a broad sense.

Strengthen digestion

The benefits of eating ginger are many, including improving digestion.

This is substantiated by research published on the website of NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information).

Research has found that ginger can be helpful in relieving many problems like constipation, stomach pain, stomach cramps, cramps and gas.

At the same time, it can also be helpful in correcting the problem of indigestion.

On this basis, it can be assumed that the benefits of ginger are effective for the stomach.

It can also work to strengthen digestion.

Relieve nausea and vomiting

The benefits of ginger can also be achieved in the problem of nausea and vomiting.

This is evidenced by research conducted by Integrative Medicine Insights.

Research has found that ginger has antiemetic (reducing the feeling of nausea and vomiting) effect.

Due to this effect, ginger can relieve nausea problem mainly after pregnancy and chemotherapy.

In such a situation, it can be said that using ginger can help in getting relief from the problem of nausea and vomiting.

Ginger benefits for skin

The use of ginger can also prove to be beneficial for getting a skin free from spotless and nail pimples.

According to experts, the use of ginger can provide a positive effect in relieving the problem of acne and scar spots.

However, it is unclear how ginger works in an acne problem.

Therefore, further research needs to be done in this regard.

However, it would not be wrong to say on this basis that the consumption of ginger can prove to be beneficial to some extent in relieving these skin problems.

Benefits of ginger in menstruation

As we have already told you earlier in the article that ginger has pain-relieving and inflammatory reducing properties.

These properties can prove to be helpful in removing muscle strain and tension as well as relieving pain during menstruation.

In such a situation, it would not be wrong to say that the benefits of ginger can prove to be effective for preventing menstrual pain.

Cancer prevention

The use of ginger in cancer prevention can also show beneficial results.

Indeed, NCBI research on ginger-related mice confirms this.

Research has suggested that ginger has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.

Due to this property, ginger can exhibit positive effects in the prevention of breast cancer, uterine cancer and liver cancer.

On this basis, it would not be wrong to say that the benefits of eating ginger can prove to be helpful in preventing cancer to some extent.

However, it cannot be called a cure for cancer.

Note: — Cancer is a fatal and fatal disease, so it is mandatory to be treated on medical consultation.

Helpful in arthritis

In the article, we have already told you that ginger has both anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Due to both these properties, ginger can also help in relieving arthritis. Evidence of this is found in NCBI research.

Research has suggested that ginger can help relieve arthritis problems along with other physical problems.

However, how effective it is in this problem still needs to be further researched on this topic.

Avoid infection

Ginger has been used for years to get relief from many physical problems.

These problems also include preventing infection. According to experts, ginger has antimicrobial (bacteria-destroying) properties.

For this reason, it can help prevent infection from various types of bacteria.

At the same time, research from a medical university in Taiwan has also found that fresh ginger extract can reduce the effect of HRSV (Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus).

On the other hand, research by Food Science and Research suggests that the properties of ginger can also be effective in preventing the infection of common cold, cold, sore throat and fever. and that’s why we can use ginger to treat COVID-19 (corona) disease.

Beneficial for hair

As we have already told you earlier in the article, ginger has antimicrobial (microbial destroying) properties.

At the same time, according to experts, hair loss can also be seen due to bacterial infection.

In such a situation, if someone is troubled by the problem of hair loss due to bacterial infection, then the properties of ginger can prove to be helpful.

Read More: How to Use Ginger

Originally published at https://www.artofhealthandbeauty.online on June 26, 2020.

