How To Eat Properly?

Art of health and beauty
3 min readMay 30, 2019


How we eat food is as important as what we eat. These 5 simple food tips that look at how to eat properly can serve as a guide and help a person get the best out of the food they eat. - by Sadhguru

1: How Much To Eat?

“You shouldn’t keep eating throughout the day. If you are below thirty years of age, three meals a day will fit well into your life. If you are over thirty, it is best to reduce it to two meals a day. Studies have found that the human brain works best when the stomach is empty. Researchers found that an empty stomach produces ghrelin, a hormone that carries the message to the brain that the stomach is hungry. This, of course, doesn’t imply that we should never eat, but rather points to the fact that we should be conscious of how much we eat. Our body and brain work at their best only when the stomach is empty. If you maintain this simple awareness, you will experience much more energy, agility and alertness.”

2: Chew On This!

“In Chewing your food properly plays an important role in digestion. Studies show that for starchy foods, 30% of digestion happens with saliva. After a meal, give a break of at least two hours before going to bed. yoga, we say, ‘If you take a morsel of food, you must chew it twenty-four times.’ There is a lot of science behind this, but essentially, one thing is your food gets pre-digested in your mouth and will not cause dullness in your system. Another thing is, if you chew twenty-four times, the information of that food gets established in your system and every cell in your body will be able to start judging as to what is right and not right for you — not in terms of the tongue but about what is appropriate for the whole system. If you do this for some time, every cell in the body will have the education as to what it likes and does not like.” Digestion raises your metabolic activity. It is also advisable to avoid drinking water during meals. Drink a little water a few minutes before the meal or thirty to forty minutes after the meal. Drinking water can be left standing overnight in a copper vessel. This destroys bacteria and energizes the water powerfully.

3: The Right Food For The Right Time

Sadhguru elaborates on the tradition of eating different “In India and especially in South India, during summer, the foods in different seasons, and how this practice helps the body cope with changing the weather.
food is cooked in one way, during the rainy season in another way and in winter another way, according to the vegetables available at that time and what is suitable for the body. It is good to bring in that wisdom and eat as per the needs of the body and according to the weather or climate we live in.

Read more on the following link:

A Balanced Diet

Originally published at on May 30, 2019.

